Hospitals and emergency units require generator sets that will provide the critical power they need for the most critical applications. The cost of a power failure in a hospital is not measured in economic terms but the highest risk of patient safety. Medical science has made astonishing advances since South African doctors performed the world's first successful heart transplant in Cape Town in 1967. We live longer, healthier, enriched lives due to the technological and innovative progress made in the field of healthcare. But what happens if the hospital suffers a power outage and the backup power isn't 100% reliable? To the transplant patient during surgery? To the car crash survivor on the life support machine? To the premature baby in the incubator in NICU? 

    Hospitals, Emergency Units, and Medi-Centre are all reliant on a continuous power supply to operate effectively. All require an emergency supply that absolutely ensures continuous power in the event of a grid failure. In the event of a power cut, generator sets have to provide every guarantee that they will be able to start up in a time that is so short that it barely affects whatever is happening in the operating room, laboratories, or on the hospital wards.

    HIMOINSA generator sets guarantee a 100% load response in just ten seconds.

    That means they will be able to supply all the power required within that length of time, and they will therefore be able to respond to the security requirements that any hospital has as far as its normal operation is concerned. Given the sensitive nature of hospital spaces, HIMOINSA carries out a rigorous study of the technical requirements of each project, offering parallel power solutions, a redundant start-up system, special options for mission-critical power in the control units of the generator set, soundproofing systems that guarantee the lowest possible noise emissions…

    Recent trends also show the healthcare industry is moving to a hub-and-spoke model to provide more localized care. This means ambulatory surgery centers, long-term care facilities, and hospice centers may require healthcare backup power to ensure critical procedures are not interrupted in the event of a utility outage, as well as maintain patient safety and comfort.


    Our case studies

    Our experience



    1MWe generator set with Yanmar engine.

    Efficiency and reliability are two words that ideally define HIMOINSA's new product which has been designed for emergency applications, primarily in such mission-critical projects as hospitals, mines and data centres, whose power supply must be 100% guaranteed in the event of any grid failure.

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